HOLY. CRAP. Phase 3 is already here and I am so excited/nervous/proud/excited/sad that this is all going so quickly, but ready to take on the last challenge of this program. 8 weeks down, 5 weeks left, so much progress, so much gained, so much learned, so much loved.
I am sad/sorry that I haven’t been blogging as much as I was previously and had wanted to through this journey, but I gotta be honest….my business has been picking up, hour long workouts take a lot out of my day, and blogging got put to the back burner. But for my OWN journey, I need to keep blogging throughout this to keep me going strong as hell as well as to document this amazing progress. I am seriously loving every step of this process and want to share it with the world!
Phase 2 ended on Saturday, so yesterday I took a few photos, weight, and measurements and I am proud to give my updated week 8 results:
-12 pounds
-13 inches overall
-Timed nutrition has become second nature, don’t even have to think about it, will NEVER go back to eating any other way
-Considering moving up to my maintenance calorie bracket (which means eating MORE, about 2,200 calories per day) to see if I can really shred this phase
-Meal prep has become a way of life on Sundays and even though sometimes it sucks to get it done, the relief of it done the other 6 days of the week is SO Worth it and I will continue prepping from here on out. I used to make excuses as to why I didn’t “have” to prep. BULLSHIT. Prepping is life. And honestly not as hard or as complicated as it sounds/needs to be.
-Bought 30 pound dumbbells this round, wishing I had bought the Bowflex adjustable weights at this point, lol!
-Hour long workouts are not scary or a problem anymore, have become a part of my life and I love them
-NO binge eating sessions in 8 weeks, NO alcohol in 8 weeks, NO hangovers in 8 weeks, NO REGRETS
-Headed to vacation next week feeling confident as hell, proud to wear my bikini, looking forward to photos on the beach for the FIRST time in my whole entire 28 years of life.
-SO READY to take on the final, hardest phase of this challenge and show it who’s boss
Every quarter Beachbody holds in-person training events called Super Saturdays, and this quarter mine is held in DC and AUTUMN is going to be there!!!! April 8, and I am freaking STOKED. Not only will I get to hear from her and get a photo with her (SCORE!!), but I will be doing an 80 day obsession workout with her and I think I might cry…OMG! Really looking forward to that day for sure.
I have also been LOVING the exclusive coach test group that I am in with her. She goes live in our group multiple times per week, answers questions, schools us on the program, and has been a major motivator throughout this process. I will be forever grateful for this time spent with her and her mentorship. She is an amazing woman, and my new favorite trainer for sure (sorry Joel and Jericho, I still love you both too!).
Ok, back to the program… so here are my thoughts on Phase 2. It was hard, it was heavy, the workouts were AWESOME and I truly feel stronger than I ever have been in my life. The order of the workouts changed from Phase 1 (and change again in phase 3), and here are my thoughts on each of them:
Booty:Β This workout was DEF way different than phase 1 booty. Phase 1 there were no weights… phase 2, holy crap the weights were real and I sweat SO much in this workout. I preferred phase 1 because the burn of the toning was real and this was just HARD with the heavy weights, but I also felt like my booty gained way more strength this phase so that is great too.
Cardio Core: This workout was certainly harder than phase 1 with stuff like burpee jumps and insane core work, but I felt stronger and more conditioned to handle the cardio and honestly quite looked forward to this cardio. I still love the 3 minute interval pattern with the core work. Better than any other cardio, hands down.
Total Body Core: WOW! She stepped this one up a notch for sure. Just as soon as I was excited that the renegade row twists were gone, she introduced some crazy compound moves that had me dead after this workout each week. Pouring sweat, sore as hell, shoulders on fire, loving every minute of it. Kind of. π
Legs:Β Totally and completely loved this leg day. Simple moves with a weight followed by same muscle group with a slider. Not complicated, not complex, just in and out and legs were DONE.
AAA: I am pretty sure Autumn hates our shoulders and core. This workout was SO HARD!!! Definitely the hardest of phase 2. Tricep kickbacks in a one arm plank, circle over teasers followed by french twists, booty BURNING! Not going to miss that workout, LOL!!
Cardio Core: Same exact workout as phase 1, but instead of 4 reps of everything it was 6 reps of everything. Aka week 1 of phase 2 I wanted to kill Autumn, week 4 of phase 2 I was so much more conditioned and hated her much less. This phase we are going back to 4 reps, but once we reach the 10th move we will do 8 rounds of all 10 moves instead of only 3.Β π³π³π³Β She gonna kill us so good!!!
All in all, it was a freaking fantastic phase and I am ready to move on for sure!!!!! 6 new workouts coming this week and I am READY!
It is currently snowing here on Monday, March 12 and I am not very excited about that, so I am starting my day with a good mood, some coffee, and a strawberry shake with frozen strawberries and pineapples. 6 more days until we leave for Costa Rica and that is currently keeping me going right now!