Today is my 84th day of Core de Force, and I only have 6 days left. I am starting to get a little sad because I love everything about this program. I love the stress relief I get from punching and kicking, I love the definition I have gained all over my body-arms, legs, stomach, back, shoulders-, I love the trainers Joel and Jericho and their interaction with us in their Facebook groups and on Instagram, I love the diversity of the workouts, and I love how it makes me feel (like a total badass, and now I want to take more martial arts/fighting classes). I truly feel like this program is such a stress reliever too. In most combos, they invite you to imagine hitting your opponent’s chest, chin, jaw, etc. and I take that opportunity to imagine someone that has made me mad or insulted me or WHATEVER and it just feels so awesome. Also, I notice from when I first started until now my flexibility has improved and I can actually kick pretty high now. It is inspiring and makes me want MORE! More strength and flexibility. I want to know what my mind and body are capable of. I have never really felt that way before. I have always wanted to workout to get skinnier and feel better, blah blah blah, but now I want to TRAIN. So crazy how this has changed my mindset so much.
With that being said, as of today, I have lost 12.9 pounds and 8 inches!!! That is so amazing to me. I will take my final photos and measurements next week and share them again at that time. My goal is to lose another .5″ off of my tummy and another pound. I am GOING to eat 100% clean the rest of this week.
(Here are my final results for the program after 90 day completion, -15.1 pounds and 9.5″):
I did a review of the first 7 workouts, but never did another one, so I am going to review the rest of the workouts in this program real quick.
MMA Power is the 3rd MMA workout you encounter in the program. It took me by surprise a little bit. At 12 3-minute rounds, it adds up to 47 minutes and BOY is it a workout. Lot’s of kicks, defensive moves, and fun combos, but I think the spikes are the most challenging in this one. Max heart rate: 178 bpm, Average heart rate: 150 bpm, Calories burned: 485.
MMA Plyo is the 4th and final MMA workout of the basic kit. It is also 12 rounds clocking in at a total of 47 minutes. I enjoy the spikes in this one better than Power, but it really tests your endurance. Lots of kicks with added leg checks (i.e. core burners) and great combos. Both of these are tough because of their length, but this one is the hardest in my opinion. Max heart rate: 179 bpm, Average heart rate: 163 bpm, Calories burned: 422.
When purchasing Core de Force, you can either get the base kit or upgrade to the deluxe. When getting the deluxe, you get 3 bonus workouts: 1 MMA and 2 that use an agility ladder (you would do in place of Dynamic Strength and Power Sculpt). I did not buy the deluxe version so I did not get the included ladder, however when Beachbody announced the Annual All Access Pass and I upgraded, that gave me access to the deluxe workouts (for every. single. program!!!).
MMA Kickbutt is my favorite. In the deluxe workouts, you only get one trainer (either Joel or Jericho) and this one is led by Jericho. There are so. many. squats. And lunges. And she brings in a new move called the roundhouse knee. It is really fun, and the spikes involve a lot of push-ups (most of which are plyo push-ups). It is 9 rounds (37 minutes) and I am literally drenched at the end of this one, legs shaking and all. Love it so much. Max heart rate: 175 bpm, Average heart rate: 145 bpm, Calories burned: 338.
Agility Power is the first of the 2 workouts that use #ThatDamnLadder. Honestly, I thought I wasn’t working “hard enough” the first couple times I did these workouts because I was so uncoordinated and was moving way slower than the trainers, but HOLY COW the sweat has been pouring off of me in buckets every single time. Both of the agility workouts only have Joel as a trainer, although he isn’t actually working out and Sumner leads the group. This one is only 6 rounds and certainly tough. I feel like Agility Power and Agility strength are pretty similar because they both use the ladder, but there are differences. I think Agility Strength has more push-ups but this one is a leg burner for sure. You do this in place of Power Sculpt so I can tell they try to get that plyo work in there with all of the squat jumps. I’ll leave you with that…. Max heart rate: 174 bpm, Average heart rate: 124 bpm, Calories burned: 302.
Agility Strength is the last workout of Core de Force! 9 rounds, tons of push-ups and arm work, and a total mind game. That ladder is tough. It is hard to find coordination with your legs and your brain, but I love that challenge. It was fun to incorporate into my last round of CdF. You do this workout in place of Dynamic strength so it is kind of nice that it is 10 minutes shorter than DS, but definitely equally challenging. Max heart rate: 177 bpm, Average heart rate: 152 bpm, Calories burned: 343.
All in All – Favorite program to date. I will definitely be coming back to it again here soon, but I gotta dust off the weights for a while and get back at those too! 😉