What is Butcher Box?
Butcher Box is a subscription service that delivers beef, chicken, and pork straight to your door. Here is what their website has to say about their products: “Our beef is 100% grass fed and grass finished, our chicken is free range organic, and our pork is heritage breed. All of our animals are humanely raised and free of antibiotics and hormones. We feature either a new farm or a new product every month. And always include a note from the butcher describing the featured cuts and farms. We take our meat seriously here, and we are continually working with our suppliers to provide you the best possible value.”
Why grass fed and finished beef?
Their website also says, “Because of crowded conditions, these cattle are often fed antibiotics to help prevent the spread of disease. We are encouraged by the FDA’s new guidelines this year that ban the use of antibiotics for growth promotion, but widespread use of antibiotics to control outbreaks can still lead to the creation of ‘superbugs’ (aka antibiotic resistant bacteria) as documented by Consumer Reports in 2015. These superbugs can limit the effectiveness of routinely administered antibiotics used to treat and prevent infections in humans. Grain-fed cattle can also grow to an unnatural weight due to the administration of growth hormones and fillers like corn, soy, and animal byproducts such as bone-meal, blood-meal and feather-meal. When we eat animals that are not healthy – we become unhealthy.” You can read more about the benefits here: https://www.butcherbox.com/our-meat/
How much does it cost?
The normal Butcher Box is $129 per month + free shipping. You can choose different varieties, different amounts, different shipping times, etc., so read more about the full pricing here: https://www.butcherbox.com/about-the-box/
I have chosen to purchase Butcher Box for several reasons including a better overall diet, because I CARE about animals and how they are treated, and because it is FREAKING DELICIOUS!!!
Yes, I would recommend Butcher Box to ANYONE. The value is fantastic and totally worth the little bit extra that it might cost from your local store. Overall, I 100% plan to continue this subscription, and have ever considered doubling my box size so I can eat MORE of this amazing quality meat throughout the month.
In July 2017 I received 4×6 oz flat iron steaks, baby back ribs, 2×10 oz new york strips, 2 pc. port brisket, and 2×1 pound ground beef. This will be between 8-9 dinners for my boyfriend and I, which equates to about ~$16 per meal, or $8 per person. I am extremely pleased and very excited to try the pork this month.
If you would like to give Butcher Box a try as well, use this link and you will get $10 off your first box + FREE bacon! Hell yes!!! http://fbuy.me/fH23O
Other resources mentioned:
The Chalene Show podcast: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/chalene-show-motivation-leadership-confidence-family/id911042029?mt=2
Smart Life Push Journal: www.smartlifepushjournal.com