Excuse me while I toot my own horn for a minute… 😄📯… but I did it!!!! I completed the Ultimate Reset and feeling like a million bucks. I have done a lot of hard things, like completing 80 Day Obsession and waking up at 4:30 am regularly and losing 50 pounds before… but the Ultimate Reset is right at the top of the list of most difficult things I have done. It is such a mental game, especially coming from where I was on “day 0.” Let me paint the picture for you.
A year and a half ago I was at my fittest, healthiest weight ever of 150 pounds, lean, strong, and looking/feeling amazing. Slowly over a year I gained almost 25 pounds back by just being extremely careless with what I ate. My old habits that I had fought so hard to overcome came back and I let them run me. I was eating a ton of sugary sweets and treats, I was eating more overall than I should be, I did a lot of late night snacking and a few too many drinks on the regular, I was just not in control anymore. I felt defeated. I knew everything was my own fault and I could change it at any moment… but I didn’t. I would tell myself that “today I would stop with the sweets and overeating,” and then a cookie would appear and I had no willpower to say no. I had seen a bunch of people doing the ultimate reset, so I figured, maybe this was a sign. Maybe this was what I needed. I had to purchase the program and I knew that spending hard earned money (and a bit of it) would be very motivating for me. So without hesitation, I bit the bullet, bought the program, and committed to seeing this through.
Here we are now, 3 weeks later, and I feel so freaking good. Before I share pictures and results, here are a few things that have happened for me during this time period:
– My digestion is the happiest it has been in a long time. This may be TMI, but I have had zero gas during the last 3 weeks.
– I have slept between 7-10 hours almost every single night. That has been wonderful.
– I have been going to bed much earlier than normal, while still waking up pretty early. I feel rested and energized, and at night I feel tired and go straight to sleep.
– I have not exercised one time. I did yoga a time or two and went for a walk or two, but that was it. I fully enjoyed my “break” from exercising and filled my time with reading, crocheting, and doing things with Chris.
– I haven’t had a lick of added sugar (besides a bit of maple syrup in a recipe or two) in 3 weeks.
– I stuck to the meal plan 98%. I changed out a few recipes and subbed in a few things I preferred, but overall I did fantastic.
– I feel capable. I feel deserving. I have belief in myself again. I believe I have re-discovered my willpower.
– My clothes FIT again! 🙌🙌🙌
– And I cannot WAIT to get back to exercising and using my portion control way of life!!!
With all that said, I am really excited about my physical results as well. In total I lost 13.2 pounds and 9.5 inches!!!! IN THREE WEEKS!!! Without working out. Amazing!!!!
Now that I have done this program, I feel completely confident that I can coach you through it too! Interested in trying the Ultimate Reset for yourself? You can either send me an email here (coach@katyenglish.com) if you have questions or need help, or you can buy your own kit here and I will help you every step of the way.
I will also link my previous blog posts about why I started this, week 1, and week 2 results here too:
Thanks for supporting me and reading my story and journey. I hope I can help inspire you to make a healthy, positive change in your life too. I’m here for you!