I am over the hump and officially on the downhill slope to completing this program. I can say without a doubt that week 2 was much easier than week 1 for me. I have felt really good every day this week, my energy has been normal or higher (even without caffeine), I have been sleeping pretty well every night other than my damn cat waking me up pretty much every night with 3am snuggles, and I have overall enjoyed the food from this week.
During week 2 we add in a detox supplement (basically several sources of fiber) 3 times a day (before each meal). When I first mixed it, I was a little scared that it was going to be gross because it doesn’t look good, but it actually tastes really good and I didn’t mind it. We also get to have FRUIT every day for breakfast and THANK THE LORD, it’s my favorite meal of the day. 3 whole cups of it!!!! I started and ended this week really strong and feeling really great, so that is wonderful. I have been a vegan for over a week now, kind of crazy!!
I also did notice last week that I started to get “hungry” when seeing other people posting delicious foods and when watching Chris eat snacks that I “couldn’t have.” It was hard! But I held strong
Now that I am heading into week 3, we eliminate all grains and legumes as well, and the last week is pretty much just fruits and vegetables. The detox supplement is done and we start taking a probiotic blend 3 times a day (before each meal). I am a little nervous that this week I am going to be hungrier than I have been, because overall I really haven’t felt that hungry. I have heard other people experience this, so I am just trying to take it a day at a time and not let other people’s comments make me feel something I am not.
I decided not to share measurements this week and will share my final results next week! Until then, here is my progress via picture so far!!!!!!
Week 3, here I come!!!!